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Developer of OCamlot. OCaml Hacker, Emacs Developer, PL Researcher.

I just followed the rustup instructions on the following stackoverflow. My system uses a newer version of glibc, but other than that it worked okay.


Today I learnt that the first academic paper to coin "refactoring" was a 1990 paper by Opdyke: "Refactoring : An Aid in Designing Application Frameworks and Evolving Object-oriented Systems".

Software developers before 1990:

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Compiled my first Rust-program on a raspberry pi --- the version of raspbian I use is too old to install a modern version of GLIBC, so I had to use musl instead :(.

Imagine being a winblows user


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Once again, Mullvad proves it's the best again:


Spent a few hours helping a student with "their" rust code and getting it to compile, before it was revealed that the code was mostly AI-generated. Explains why they had so little understanding of the APIs being used despite apparently having written the code. These tools are good at guiding experts to the correct solution, but liable to produce complete noise in the hands of beginners.

Microplastics, son.

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Ah, I guess not! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger_bread --- apparently of dutch origins.

oh man i’ve discovered a few new places since we’ve last met we should go sometime

Oh, yes, I guess it's been close to 3 years now.

Have you tried tiger bread?

Hands down best bread.