Was it really that long ago? That era was still around 10 years ago IIRC

it's not like humans are any better

Well, I guess there's a balance to be had between finding a management style that cultivates the community that you want while still giving enough freedom or incentive for users to stay there.

Of course, if you're the only user of your instance, then that's another question entirely!

my server, my rules!

The american dream.

That looks really cool actually. Been feeling sentimental recently, would have been nice to have such a kind of diary to glance over.

Damn it. I really should get round to fix displaying content based on content-type properly....

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Saw this quote on bird-site:

We were the masters of this world, the only intelligent species. Then we had to accept that brute force (data+computation) easily surpassed our most refined insights. And now we'll have to accept we're not even worthy enough to understand the future we're trying to make.

Good to see that some people have given up the fight before it's even begun.

Indeed, the power of brute-force is suprisingly effective at even overcoming the benefits of our refined thoughts...

...but, these techniques need large amounts of data and compute power. For the first time in my life, Moore's law is working on our favour here --- hardware can help tackle some of the obstacles to AI, but they can't keep on doing so for ever. When that happens, it'll be our time to shine!

the machine is meant to serve you

...for now