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Developer of OCamlot. OCaml Hacker, Emacs Developer, PL Researcher.

Saw this quote on bird-site:

We were the masters of this world, the only intelligent species. Then we had to accept that brute force (data+computation) easily surpassed our most refined insights. And now we'll have to accept we're not even worthy enough to understand the future we're trying to make.

Good to see that some people have given up the fight before it's even begun.

Indeed, the power of brute-force is suprisingly effective at even overcoming the benefits of our refined thoughts...

...but, these techniques need large amounts of data and compute power. For the first time in my life, Moore's law is working on our favour here --- hardware can help tackle some of the obstacles to AI, but they can't keep on doing so for ever. When that happens, it'll be our time to shine!

the machine is meant to serve you

...for now

it would be funny, but on the other hand, if he goes to prison, he'll have to miss his gaming sessions with biden and obama :(

b-but this time it has types~

Nice! feelsgoodman

It's amazing what you can do when you don't have to pay for M$ licensing.


Pic related is the CPU load on my server has changed --- the spike in the middle was where I had to compile OCaml. Anything before the spike was from running pleroma, and CPU load after the spike is from OCamlot. Seems like there has been a performance improvement.

Bear in mind that the pleroma server I was running was just for testing, had only a few users, and wasn't federating with any other servers.

Will be interesting to see how the behaviour changes as my server starts interacting with other AP servers.

Attached image 0

Looks trippy!

Fixed integration with Mastadon (~somewhat).