<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://hachyderm.io/@Azuaron" class="u-url mention">@<span>Azuaron</span></a></span> <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@mcc" class="u-url mention">@<span>mcc</span></a></span> I don't have a family. The last 15 years of my life have been defined by basically everything important happening on the internet and, often, on social media (that's kind of how I have any of my friends? that's how I transitioned? that's how I found the last three jobs in a row? that's how I launched--with others--a very successful open source hardware device?).</p>
<p>I think as a good socialist I'm not supposed to get excited about "oh look at all these nice consumer products"</p><p>But</p><p>Wow I really do like Japan's consumer products!!</p><p>The temporary deodorant and hand moisturizer I picked up here. I like them more than my regular brands</p><p>I like the convenience store onigiri. It fills a hole in my day to day life in North America</p><p>Arcades are (in Osaka?) relatively common, relatively cheap, and have games I actually want to play</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://hachyderm.io/@Azuaron" class="u-url mention">@<span>Azuaron</span></a></span> <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@mcc" class="u-url mention">@<span>mcc</span></a></span> if I don't and can't remember it due to dissociative amnesia? kinda, yeah</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@film_girl" class="u-url mention">@<span>film_girl</span></a></span> I “love” how it scales. First 256gb is 200, but then you get 512GB for the same 200 and lastly a whole 1TB for 200. The F…</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@whitequark" class="u-url mention">@<span>whitequark</span></a></span> yes</p>
<p>Fuck, and let me be absolutely clear about this, off</p>
<p>saw this photo by <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mystical.garden/@jana" class="u-url mention">@<span>jana</span></a></span> and my first thought was "why is that building covered in surface mount resistors?"</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@whitequark" class="u-url mention">@<span>whitequark</span></a></span> epsom metal</p>
<p>Q: why is KDE the distribution of choice of angel girls?<br />A: libkf5purpose5. should I say more</p>