@ovivu@lab.nyanide.com 200 DIFFERENT parts of them selfs that had to split off into seperate entities, 200 DIFFERENT kinds of severe traumas, god damn
@ovivu@lab.nyanide.com damn i feel fucking sorry for them this shit happens from severe traumatic events right? and like the usual <10 is alot 200 is fucking insane i can't imagine all the shit that had to happen to them
@creamqueen@clubcyberia.co @fristi@akkos.fritu.re @mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be
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@lain@lain.com @fristi@akkos.fritu.re @mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be so called 'straight' men when theyre looking for porn to watch
@lebronjames75@shitposter.club no wonder they are trying to make private drones illegal
<p>Instructions unclear <span class="h-card"><a href="https://hachyderm.io/@liztai" class="u-url mention">@<span>liztai</span></a></span>, now I have a Teams camera pointed at my Zoom screen</p>
<p>📣 Calling all devs that use <a href="https://front-end.social/tags/ViewTransitions" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>ViewTransitions</span></a></p><p>Along with work that’s being done on MPA support, we’re looking into polishing what currently shipped.</p><p>We already identified a few points to improve but I’m most curious to hear where **you** hit a wall / encountered friction …</p><p>E.g. animating 20 items in the same way requires 20 almost identical CSS rules. This should be easier to do.</p><p>I’ll take a public reply or a DM and will take it from there.</p><p>RT = Better View Transitions for everyone 🪄</p>
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@mametsuko@mk.absturztau.be @fristi@akkos.fritu.re
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<p>I poured root beer in a square glass. Now I just have beer.</p>