@Zettour@gearlandia.haus finally, people will be able to drink it..
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://social.trom.tf/profile/tio" class="u-url mention">@<span>tio</span></a></span> So it has a bathroom, kitchen and toilet?! Wow I&#39;m curious to know how that all works 😄</p>
@hakui@tuusin.misono-ya.info @not_benis@cawfee.club @rin@post.ebin.club
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@not_benis@cawfee.club @birdulon@shpposter.club @rin@post.ebin.club maybe that's why he got shot
@birdulon@shpposter.club @rin@post.ebin.club @hakui@tuusin.misono-ya.info the time for compassion is over, the time for browbeating has come
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@RedTechEngineer@fedi.lowpassfilter.link thanks, gonna keep it in mind
@RedTechEngineer@fedi.lowpassfilter.link in urban areas yes. some places have monolingual english signage
@hakui@tuusin.misono-ya.info @rin@post.ebin.club pat pat
@birdulon@shpposter.club @rin@post.ebin.club ..no