@cell@pl.ebin.zone @nosleep@bae.st
>inconsistent machine quality
>have to play Tetris with bags so you can fit everything onto their scale
>AI shittery means they have a camera that yells at you like you're a thief when you miss a scan and have to redo it
>puts kids out of work so they have less avenues to try to understand a work setting
<p>Melba in the clutch</p>
<p>Melba (not her name) Mao comes through with the save.</p>
Hosono House :blobcatheadphones:
it’s even on bandcamp :acat_boppirate:
<p>Ashford shot his Mormon laser at the ring</p><p>And he missed!!?</p>
@nosleep@bae.st i don’t get all the hate for self-checkout? here the self-checkout lines are ALWAYS faster than human cashiers
@LLENN08@misskey.id meido cell is something that happens very rarely; you have to facilitate it in order for it to happen :33
<p><a href="https://pl.ebin.zone/users/cell" class="u-url mention">@cell@pl.ebin.zone</a> much reaction in this note/toots means Fedi folks want to see the kak cell's video do moe moe kyun :hinata_hyper:</p>
last midterm tomorrow finally finally i can work on my latest crazy and outlandish idea