<p><span class="h-card"><a href="https://mastodon.online/@danirabbit" class="u-url mention">@<span>danirabbit</span></a></span> What a sweet exchange! I&#39;m glad you have someone like her on your transition team. </p><p>Also really good to know that someone as kind as her is also out there spreading kindness around to others. Transitioning or not. I&#39;m sure a lot of her clients are uncomfortable with how they look and she is helping them to feel better with each zap of the laser 😁</p>
@lain@lain.com @kaia@brotka.st sorry eight years of being in a city-state does that to you, fedi was just the cherry on top
@maxine@den.raccoon.quest @mja@comp.lain.la *deep breath* I apologize for this, I was trying to support maija against someone who said he wanted her to die and went too far into flirting with antisemitism than I should have but in terms of what I actually said, it just genuinely angers me how you are not allowed to point out that a huge reason Israel gets so much support from Western governments is due to the fact that a lot of influential jewish people lobby for it. the people on TLA and XF have been doing this obnoxious doublethink about trying to say that "zionism isn't jewish" and its just not true, obviously not all American jews support israel but most of them ([~80%](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/u-s-jews-connections-with-and-attitudes-toward-israel/pf_05-11-21_jewish-americans-07-2/)) do, and organizations like AIPAC and the ADL have a tremendous amount of influence over US and (to a slightly lesser extent) European policy. Israel and Richard Perle [drew up plans for the Iraq war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Clean_Break:_A_New_Strategy_for_Securing_the_Realm) before 9/11 even happened, but this gets erased from people's memories because it's "antisemitic" to mention it. the Holocaust gets 100x more attention than the Armenian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, the Holodomor, the Cambodian genocide, the Congo Free State, or any number of other tragedies in history, largely because [jewish-American organizations have exploited it to drive up support for Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust_Industry). it's not a coincidence america is both the only country other than israel that has a massive jewish diaspora and the one country that consistently vetos UN resolutions against israel and provides with nearly unlimited military aid, and I'm not going to pretend it is to avoid "antisemitism". when people talk about how evangelical Christians in the US fund TERFs in the UK, it's seen as a good thing to investigate, but when you try talking about connections between the Israeli government and American Jewish organizations (for a particularly blatant example: [Birthright Israel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthright_Israel)), it's "antisemitism" and pointing out makes you an evil Nazi who should drink bleach "do you condemn antisemitism" feels like "do you condemn Hamas" to me, it's a whataboutism dodge that people like nyx have wielded against me whenever I've tried to point this out. I made another comment elsewhere about how it was funny to me that "early life section reader" was being used as a term for antisemites, and what I meant was that there are many. many jewish elites, and everyone knows this but pointing it out makes you an "antisemite". people like ildottore (the one who told me to drink bleach) [even admit that this is the case](https://comp.lain.la/notice/AbzFJY0dvSt0QFQFcm), they just don't want anyone to say so because it's "antisemitism" I don't believe in "ZOG" or think that jews are responsible for all the worlds ills or that most elites are jewish or that the Elders of Zion control the world. and I don't have a problem with jewish people in general. I'm just tired of sucking up to concern trolls like lilli, ildottore and nyx exploiting "antisemitism", especially when they also talk about how they think Stalin was based and repeatedly talk about how I deserve to be killed or sent to a labor camp just for not being a communist, and when they've tried in the past to hound maija off the internet. I'm an impulsive person and I shouldn't have let my emotions get the better of me yesterday and I put things in language that I shouldn't have out of a desire to piss them off. but saying that this is demonstrating flagrant hatred of jews on my part is just wrong, you're taking out of context something that's a response to someone literally calling for my friend's death
@kaia@brotka.st goodnight, sleep tight, hope you had a happy dey :rember:
kaia has written 40 Posts yesterday, 2023-11-20 and used a total of 13 Emojis.​​​ ║ 2x :SoraWow: ║ 1x :Sheew: ║ 1x :ChenShrug: ║ 1x :mukiCute: ║ 1x :LeonhardtPog: ║ 1x :asuka_hmm: ║ 1x :kaia_look: ║ 1x :koishicute: ║ 1x :senkolewd: ║ 1x :kaia_dumb: ║ 1x :blobcatgoogly: ║ 1x :blobcatsweat: ║
<p>We start out and she was talking about how I fold up my pants, hide my underwear in them, and put them on top of my purse in a little stack and she says “I do the exact same thing. It’s hilarious someone is gonna be all up in there and we’re clinging to this tiny fraction of modesty”. So we finish up the appointment and I tell her how electrolysis was much better with her advice and I’m so grateful she cares etc and she goes “If you were wearing pants I would totally be hugging you right now” 😂</p>
<p>If you don’t acknowledge how little the UK government thought many lives were worth during Covid then you’re not seeing the bigger picture of how insignificant Tories see most life in terms of any issue. </p><p>From climate change, polluting our waterways with sewage to dropping EU food, beauty and DIY product standards…Tories see most of us as disposable and a drain on public finances.</p><p>But we have the contemporaneous account of a senior scientist who saw them up close and recorded their evil.</p>
<p>Anyway, here&#39;s one of the recovered photos for you! My wife <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://hachyderm.io/@alenacpp" class="u-url mention">@<span>alenacpp</span></a></span> has a special soft spot for this piece set due to pieces resembling &quot;C++&quot; :-)</p><p><a href="https://mastodon.social/tags/darktable" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>darktable</span></a></p>
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