>In the early part of 1928 Robert calculated that war was inevitable between England and Russia. He figured that the war would start not later than the summer unfortunately he was off by several two weeks
<p><a href="https://pl.ebin.zone/users/cell" class="u-url mention">@cell@pl.ebin.zone</a> Sakedik</p>
you can tell it was published in 1927 because the prediction accuracy drops off the cliff starting in 28
I don't understand the sequence of events that led to lizards.live getting blocked by Threads, but not SPW
@cell@pl.ebin.zone you are free to do so to me even if you don't think it's interesting.
<p>Disenyumin, diajak ngobrol, dan kalau minta tolong juga sangat baik. (&#39;: sukses secara strata, tapi sebagai manusia tetap tidak kehilangan nilai yang penting, yaitu menghargai sesama. Sama rata. CINTA!</p>
@cell@pl.ebin.zone What Cope this cope that Bish! I don't even know
<p>Terkagum-kagum.. orang-orang yang benar-benar expert, benar-benar keren, yang hidupnya sukses, kebanyakan justru orang-orang yang rendah hati, sopan, dan menghargai.<br />Beberapa hari ini aku banyak bertemu sama orang-orang seperti itu dan semakin terinspirasi untuk tetap renda hati, no matter how successful i become.</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.cloud/@jasongorman" class="u-url mention">@<span>jasongorman</span></a></span><br />Why do you think this is happening with increasing frequency?</p><p>Have you considered using a multi user editor where you have multiple cursors to make it easier to highlight code? Though I know it&#39;s tempting to type in such a case</p>