<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://gejuchowo.pl/@MarkAssPandi" class="u-url mention">@<span>MarkAssPandi</span></a></span> fascinating</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@ltratt" class="u-url mention">@<span>ltratt</span></a></span> <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@cfbolz" class="u-url mention">@<span>cfbolz</span></a></span> I&#39;ve mostly checked out of the whole scene, but I still enjoy using Python as I always have--even using a lot of pretty modern features on a regular basis. But trying to explain it? Nope. Done with that. <br />Also, if I&#39;m giving something away, I&#39;m now more inclined to just set it out back in the alley for interested passerbys.</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@whitequark" class="u-url mention">@<span>whitequark</span></a></span> I hope this missive finds you well, wherever you end up.</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://functional.cafe/@loke" class="u-url mention">@<span>loke</span></a></span> Look into mailbox.org. It is quite free from bullshit, and is posed to stay that way.</p>
<p>Ah, <a href="https://hachyderm.io/tags/LegendOfShenLi" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>LegendOfShenLi</span></a>. In many ways, a flawed <a href="https://hachyderm.io/tags/CDrama" class="mention hashtag" rel="tag">#<span>CDrama</span></a>. However, its allure is the character, Xing Zhi, a lonely but almighty being burdened by the responsibilities of keeping the world safe. He has a deep sorrow for being the only one of his kind life, of living his existence for others but never for himself ... that when he found someone he could love, fought to hold on to that shred of love. <br />I thought Li Gengxin portrayed the character so well.</p><p><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGBSYKbpRxg" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" translate="no"><span class="invisible">https://www.</span><span class="ellipsis">youtube.com/watch?v=hGBSYKbpRx</span><span class="invisible">g</span></a></p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@kev" class="u-url mention">@<span>kev</span></a></span> It is always 5pm somewhere.</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://piggo.space/users/piggo" class="u-url mention">@<span>piggo</span></a></span> <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@ometeer" class="u-url mention">@<span>ometeer</span></a></span> it could be bait for a phishing campaign or something, potentially</p>
@whitequark@mastodon.social @ometeer@mastodon.social i dont understand the idea behind these, I once even tried to give them a chance and offered to let them "improve my website" and there was no reply. why bother spamming then
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@ometeer" class="u-url mention">@<span>ometeer</span></a></span> i used to delete all unsolicited marketing email where someone scraped my address, but at some point i realized i can also reply. it ends up being like this</p>