<p>you will sign into your Single Sign On 1460 times this year</p>
<p>having patched all the ../ bugs, security appliances will be found to have even more laughably trivial bugs in other vulnerability classes from the 1990s</p>
<p>someone will intentionally burn down a datacenter</p>
<p>jonathandata will return to the fray (either him or nicky lemon)</p>
<p>3 billion devices will, regrettably, continue to run Java</p>
<p>linux kernel people will yell about rust being a cult and then write code containing 5827417 instances of undefined behaviour while remaining smug about their incredible coding skills and then call it a witch hunt against them when everyone gets fucking owned as a result</p>
<p>Quantum computers will be able to factor a bigger number but it will still be small enough that you could validate the result on a $5 calculator. The tech press will claim it breaks AES.</p>
<p>IBM will announce a blockchain security product</p>
<p>Microsoft will get owned using creds stolen from Recall on one of their staff's systems</p><p>(this one is less of a prediction and more of a "please I need this to happen because it would be a gem of pure amusement in an otherwise cold and indifferent world")</p>