<p>They have these nice jump cuts when Miller is on screen, really driving home the idea that this is some sort of projection coming through the ring.</p>
<p>Reading an article about EV's here. I don't think I'll be able to own an Audi e-tron.</p>
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<p>Get over it, Melba. Move on.</p>
<p>Oh, I see. She&#39;s avenging the disgrace of her now-jailed father.</p>
<p>&quot;Melba&quot; (is that her real name?) Mao is doing all this sabotage to get back at her sister or her dad or what? I guess I just need to keep watching to see this unfold.</p>
<p>i love them :blobcat:</p>
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<p>Amos is about to flush this documentary crew out the airlock and my god, Amos is awesome right now. He is solving problems.</p>