<p>I now own only five domains, which is the fewest I&#39;ve had in a decade or more. </p><p>Thanks Marie Kondo. πŸ™</p>
<p>In other news, this line has been stuck in my head:</p>
Attached image 0
@lain@lain.com yes but she just turns around and says SNOOZE angrily
<p>I used to be able to quote entire movies by heart! Insufferable nerd? Definitely. But also, great memorizing abilities? Yes! I&#39;m not there again yet, but who knows. Maybe trauma will heal faster than time will have my brain decay.</p>
<p>As trauma heals, I notice my cognitive faculties slowly coming back.</p><p>Feels great!</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://types.pl/@bhaktishh" class="u-url mention">@<span>bhaktishh</span></a></span> No</p>
<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mathstodon.xyz/@markusde" class="u-url mention">@<span>markusde</span></a></span> enjoy the next week of your life where you make zero progress except for learning the deep dark secrets of dynamic linking</p>
<p>There are a lot of good reasons to read a file with a separate FFI call for every single byte but unfortunately there is also one extremely good reason not to</p>
@lebronjames75@shitposter.world praying for you brother πŸ™