<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mstdn.social/@postweber" class="u-url mention">@<span>postweber</span></a></span> <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://fosstodon.org/@fullyabstract" class="u-url mention">@<span>fullyabstract</span></a></span> <br />I can&#39;t possibly know everyone who is on an SM. Scanning a feed and finding people who either (a) are interesting or (b) I know is how I add them. If I&#39;m not following them, I&#39;m just not seeing them in my feed.</p><p>A lot of what I look for is PL discussion. Much of that happens over in a different instance that I&#39;m not on. So unless I make an explicit effort to be on there, I miss out on a lot of it. ↵</p><p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://im-in.space/@Chip_Unicorn" class="u-url mention">@<span>Chip_Unicorn</span></a></span></p>