<p>Congratulations on reaching level 10 of the INFOSEC GUY class. Please pick your specialization:</p><p>- Guy who&#39;s a little too into cryptography<br />- Guy who&#39;s a little too into cryptocurrency<br />- Guy who&#39;s a little too into guns<br />- Guy who hangs out on a discord full of trans women (with or without Rust)</p><p>Congratulations on reaching level 10 of the INFOSEC LADY class. Please pick your specialization:</p><p>- Lady who knows a little too much about threat models<br />- Lady who knows a little too much about drugs<br />- Lady who knows a little too much about sewing, knitting, soldering and 3D printing guns <br />- Lady who runs a discord full of trans women (with or without Rust)</p>