<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://hachyderm.io/@sherlock_holmes" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@<span>sherlock_holmes</span></a></span> as there really is no "algorithm" to guide you towards a specific audience, you'll likely see what the majority of the community is, at least unless you very carefully curate your feed, which is a lot of work.</p><p>What is the majority here? I think it's pretty clear that it's skewing very much toward English speaking Europe and America (i.e. US and Canada) and Australia.</p><p>I'm ignoring non-English content here which often are segmented into bubbles that you don't see unless you speak those languages.</p><p>Nigeria is one of those places that are vastly underrepresented, and they shouldn't be. Especially since English is so prevalent there.</p><p>I can't speak much about Nigerian culture, but I live in south-east Asia, and while the Fediverse have a presence here, it's much less than it should. Over here, I see people simply not caring about decentralised socal media at all. If it's not instagram it might just as well not exist.</p><p>You log in to instagram and you see more content that are alien with you, which is really useful. Especially when onboarding.</p><p>So you have a vicious circle, where people just assume that everybody have the same frame of reference, which then further concentration of the same narrative.</p><p>It's so bad that even people who are advocating for more diversity uses US-centric terminology and arguments to do so, causing everything to look like a US-domestic-policy bar fight.</p>