<p>I fairly recently migrated the entire family to Protonmail in order to get away from Google.</p><p>But just as I was getting everything running smoothly, now Protonmail is taking a plunge down the enshittification rabbithole. First it was ai garbage, and now it's bitcoin. As <span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://circumstances.run/@davidgerard" class="u-url mention" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">@<span>davidgerard</span></a></span> said in his recent blog post, they do email wrll. How about continuing to do so?</p><p>As I'm getting older I'm having less and less patience for this garbage. Despite having pre-paid for the family plan for 2 years, I will not stay on a service that has decided to commit to enhittifying their product line. What should I switch to? At this point, cost isn't really a problem.</p>