<p><span class="h-card" translate="no"><a href="https://mastodon.social/@shriramk" class="u-url mention">@<span>shriramk</span></a></span> Maybe I&#39;m misinterpreting something, but to be honest, I have seen a few metacircular evaluators (McCarthy&#39;s, the one from SICP, the one from Dybvig&#39;s dissertation, the one from Webyrd&#39;s PWL talk, the one from &quot;Lisp in Small Pieces&quot;, and the CPS progression that Jason Heman presented at this year&#39;s Scheme Workshop), and I don&#39;t think I have ever seen one with explicit parsing stage.</p><p>If you have some pointers that would show the benefits of explicit parsing, I&#39;d be grateful if you could share them.</p><p>(I think that Mark Tarver had an explicit typecheking step in his Read-Typecheck-Eval-Print loop in &quot;The Book of Shen&quot;, but I&#39;m not sure there was any specific parsing involved. On the other hand, I have seen AST module for Python, with all expression classes explicitly defined, and I even tried working with it, but that was terrible)</p>